Male Therapist/Counsellor in Cheltenham. Available for face to face therapy/counselling Therapy-with-Ben Limited Counselling Therapy
Therapy-with-Ben Counselling Cheltenham - Male Counsellor/Therapist Blogs
Male Counsellor in Cheltenham, Therapeutic, Therapy, Counsellor, Male Counsellor, Mental Health, Anxiety, DEpression, Robust/Resilient Walk and Talk Therapy
Therapy-with-Ben Male Counsellor / Therapist in Cheltenham. Depression Mental Health Male Counsellor Therapy with Ben
Further info
The aim of this section is just to share some sites, information and reading that I have found helpful and you may enjoy also. However, we are all different and what I may find interesting you may not. Some of these things are just things that I have sometimes found coming up with clients and therefore it seems handy to have a place where visitors to this site, or indeed my clients can find information that I may talk about.
Dream analysis
I have covered some basic around the work of Carl Jung in my studies, a little around dream analysis, archetypes, and the process of integrating all the various parts of self but if you really want to have some more in-depth stuff around this fascinating area, then I couldn't recommend the podcast, This Jungian Life highly enough. It is ran by an interesting group of Jungian Analysts and not only is it informative, it is also entertaining.
The Black Dog
When I was writing a blog post on Depression, I came across this video that I haven't seen for some time and just thought it was incredibly powerful - so I am sharing.
Bluebird by Charles Bukowski
I often find that when we are in reflective moments about what our life is all about, creative things: like music, art, poetry, and nature can help us to gain a little understanding.
Whilst Charles Bukowski is hardly upbeat, I think there is some beauty in the melancholy and thoughtfulness.
Talk Club @ Planet Caravan
Talk Club.Org is a men's mental health charity, encouraging men to talk about their mental health.
Why not join us at Planet Caravan, there is a good group of us.
for details and when next one is.