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Useful resources.

As a therapist, I realise that sometimes things can be very difficult, I have included a few useful resources for anyone who may be in immediate crisis.
A link to the Samaritans

The Samaritans


A great service for anyone in emotional difficulty and available 24/7, Confidential and non-judgemental.


Image links to website.

A link to Mind mental health charity



Another useful resource for mental health issues, available 9am-5pm, with all contact details on their website.


Image links to their website.

Change Grow Live - Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service Gloucestershire logo



A local charity who offer support for those struggling with addiction.

Again contact details on their website and image links.

Cotswold Counselling - Low Cost Counselling Charity in Gloucestershire logo

There are of course many valuable services, it is also seems worth mentioning Cotswold Counselling who offer a low-cost counselling resource, albeit there is a bit of a waiting list and similarly Listening Post. Of course also it is also worth considering your GP or 111 if things are feeling particularly difficult.

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